Sunday, December 03, 2006


We're changing the pace this week. We really need to finish a number of half songs we have lying around. So we'll be working on a 2 day per track basis. Go at it and finish them off. But first we're going to tidy up a new track we wrote last Thursday and worked on till friday. Its a bare , naked stripped track with the vocal line already in place. We're not going to edit the hell out of it , we're not going to fiddle around with it for a week. its rough, raw and ready. Slow mid tempo... just drums and a bass. Less is more. T sang the vocal line in about 6 minutes in wich 3 seperate tracks got layed down and we didnt even bother listening to the second one. its strange, weird and fun.

1 comment:

Round Rock Doors said...

Thankk you for sharing this